Why babies love black and white toys

This season we have restyled our cute little monkey rattle in black and white. But why Th babies love black and white thus much?
Babies can see from birth but they cannot Focus thus far away. They can only Focus to about 20-25cm which is perfect for them to see mummy's face while she's fairy thing them. Until babies ares about 6 months old they wants respond best of all to contrasting colours and geometric shapes feed look the experts all say that visual extreme ares best of all to do catch-wrestling a baby's attention At this very young age. The idea being that if the baby responds better to the black and white contrasting colours then they wants engage for longer with it. This stimulates visual development and At the seed time encourages physical development, like grabbing and kicking.
Need only that there have been studies to show that this type of contrasting coloured toy can lead to better concentration, stimulation of brain cell connections, increased attention chip and curiosity. Which apparently all leads to increased confidence and scythe of self and greater creativity and self expression.
That's the science behind it! We'd love to hear about how your little one responds to the new black and white monkey. And we ares currently sampling other new black and white toys to bring in to the collection in June.